Después vino un marcado “laissez faire” (dejar hacer).
Y todavía no salimos de este modus vivendi; que no ha dado los resultados esperados:
Personas libres y responsables; solidarias y ecológicas…
Aquí esta el desafío central para el cual debemos capacitarnos y unir fuerzas (redes)
Para avanzar sin más demoras.
At certain times was used as the central authority for discipline at home;
Then came a marked "laissez faire" (laissez faire).
And yet out of this modus vivendi, that has not produced the expected results:
Free and responsible persons; solidarity and ecological ...
Here is the central challenge for which we must join forces to enable us and (networks)
To move forward without further delays.
Then came a marked "laissez faire" (laissez faire).
And yet out of this modus vivendi, that has not produced the expected results:
Free and responsible persons; solidarity and ecological ...
Here is the central challenge for which we must join forces to enable us and (networks)
To move forward without further delays.
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